Monday, February 22, 2010

Wanted: A Hard Worker

I went to visit and help my friend last week and I learned something about myself.  I can work a whole lot harder at home! And I know how to decide what I really need to do!  You see, I thought these two things were just a little impossible for me (add grin here).  Or maybe I thought if no one knew what a hard worker I was, no one would expect it from me!  Ha.  As you can tell I am being facetious. But I am also being truthful  There are so many things to do here, and sometimes I am just plain lazy!  I guess I am not sure what it would look like if I didn't have just a tiny bit of a lazy bone.  Sounds like a great experiment for today...just for today (add another grin here).  So, with that in mind, I am off to make my list and work heartily at it.  And where is that coffee?...oh, I guess I better put that on the list!


  1. So what was it about your visit that made you come to that realization? Intereted to hear more about this. Our journey is never dull is it?

  2. Well... I went to my friend's house to help her clean. And for three days I was a cleaning whirlwind. If I worked that hard at home...dust wouldn't have time to settle! But then again, I guess I couldn't keep it up. Whew!
